>> Sunday, December 14, 2008
My efforts to rely not on my own strength, but on the Power of my Lord. I lay on the Rock of Salvation, reliant on His will for my life.
My God is Mighty to Save. May I never measure an obstacle against my own strength, but against Yours.
Read more...When I was 14, I bought a vintage Ibanez from this podunk music store in Cheraw. I don't know how to pick out notes, I don't know how to change strings, but in 12 years, I've figured out how to strum out some pretty heavy chords and have even accompanied elementary students in "Lunch Lady Land" (hogies and grinders, hogies and grinders, navy beans, navy beans, meatloaf sandwich...). Last fall, my dad sent a letter. He's a man of few sentimental words. I've always known that he loves me more than he can express, despite the fact that I was pretty rotten to him growing up. We don't ever talk about how much we care for each other. I don't thank him enough for what he continues to provide for me. We only hug when I'm done throwing everything back in my Jeep to drive back to Charleston after a too-short weekend at the parents' house. Anyway, in the mass letter to four of his six children, Dad wrote "please don't ever forget the importance of worship and of having worship be a primary focus of your life." He also wrote about geraniums and retirement and his blood pressure, but it was his plea for us to embrace our Lord through worship that had a great impact on me. I share this with the one and a half people who read this blog because as of late, when I am looking for "productive" things to do, I find my guitar in my hands - strumming the chords to Hosanna or Mighty to Save. And while I don't sing along (I'm a hummer), for the moments that my fingers are growing calloused on the strings of my vintage Ibanez, I am transported to a place of praise. At night when I am too weary to open His word, I turn to my ipod and pray that God would receive my praise through the words that the musicians sing for me. My parents gave me the gift of appreciation of music a long time ago. I hope that they know how much that appreciation, and the $150 vintage Ibanez that I had to work for through dish washing and leaf-raking has changed my heart. So now, to my one and a half friends who read this: please don't ever forget the importance of worship and having worship being a primary focus of your life. It is through worship that we gain intimacy with Our Creator, Our Redeemer, Our Savior.
My heart says of you, "Seek his face!" Your face, Lord, will I seek. Ps. 27:8
So I was on my way to bed, actually...tossing and turning as I have been known to do of late. I used to be a champion sleeper. Once my head hit the pillow, I was out. Now in order to get settled, I have to have Weezie in the bed with me. She is large and takes up lots of space. But somehow her presence, her snoring, that disgusting second eyelid that shows when she's almost asleep...those things are very comforting to me.
My life has been a little stressful. A friend of mine said that I am in a place of transition, even though I'm not really moving anywhere. I thought that was a good idea. Tonight I did not want to toss and turn, so I clicked on the lamp and pulled out my Bible and the study I'm currently (slowly...not as regularly as I should be) working on, Becoming a Woman of Purpose. And before I read anything, I found myself praising God. Just for His presence. I have cried out to Him more in the past month than I can remember for a long time...I've been impatient, frustrated, exhausted, confused, desperate...and yet through it all, I feel His presence, His hand guiding me, His love calming my restless heart. I only read a little of my Bible study because I flipped open the book and immediately read something from my main man (second only to Myron Cope, r.i.p.), Oswald Chambers:
by the reaction of your life on the circumstances around you, you will fulfil God's purpose, as long as you keep in the light as God is in the light...
I don't feel like I've been light for much of anyone lately. I've been snippy with my kids, annoyed with my friends, at my wits' end with the general public. How are my reactions on the circumstances around me showing Christ's love? Are they at all? February was a long month, literally. The fact that this is a leap year was really just a kick in the pants. But the old is gone, the new has come. And I pray that I would continue to feel God's presence and that others see Him through me.
Now it is time to wake the shove over the 55 pound mongrel who snores next to me...and to rest in God.
Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
Psalm 62:5-6
On my bed, I remember You; I think of You through the watches of the night. Because You are my help, I sing in the shadow of Your wings. My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me.
Psalm 63:6-8
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