How We Spend Sundays

>> Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weekends are a blessed time around Yates Avenue. I used to not appreciate Saturdays and Sundays much. Instead, I would spend the entire time trying to get work done or cleaning myself into an absolute frenzy. But God has worked with me this year on slowing down – in many aspects of my life – and truly enjoying rest. Here are a few pictures from today when Kevan, Weezie, and I went to Folly Beach. Weezie had been once before to splash in the waves and she always has a blast. Please note that in my new found appreciation of the weekend, I turn into an absolute redneck for 48 hours (read: watching nascar, rodeo, camping in the backyard, etc.), hence, the camo hat. I pray that you are feeling refreshed and renewed by God’s creation as this weekend draws to a close.


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