Mar said I haven't blogged in a while...

>> Monday, April 14, 2008

I can't believe that it's been over a month since I've blogged. It's not like nothing has happened worthy of sharing. Indeed, the opposite is true. I finally turned in my National Board portfolio, made the trip of a lifetime over Spring Break with my mom to Pennsylvania, and came across this blog, written by a parent of one of my students:
" son's 2nd grade teacher is a moron...apparently, she is a teacher that feels intimidated by parental support in the school. She basically wants to micro manage 21 8-year olds. Best of luck with that."
Now, that is only an exerpt of the page-long entry. I came across it about a month ago and had the urge to puke for about 12 hours after seeing the words scroll down the screen.
God's strength is stronger than words, for sure, and He picked me right up, dusted me right off, and sent me back to work eager to be light, compassion, education, and love for the child of this parent who evidently does not care for me very much.
I first understood the power of words the day that I found out my mom had been diagnosed with leukemia. I went to the dry cleaners and the lady behind the counter was really short with me. I remember walking out to my car and thinking, "she has no idea what I've been through today. How dare she speak to me like that!" That moment was very poignant for me because immediately God revealed all of those moments that I spoke out of turn, not considering where people were coming from, where they were headed, what they had been through...and as I drove out of the parking lot, I prayed that the lady behind the counter would find peace. That her spirit would be stilled, and that she would accept the embrace of Christ.
I've had a similar reaction to being called a moron (and a host of other things as the blog goes on) and it has nothing to do with me! I started a nightly prayer last summer that God would change my heart - into what it needs to be so that I can be effective in His ministry. Some days I feel the hand of God on my heart, tugging, molding, and shaping it...pulling out the impurities and replacing them with His grace.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5
Father, I praise You. I praise You for creeping into my thoughts, into my heart, into my soul. Guide me in being Your light. Forgive me, Lord, for the times my thoughts get away from me. Help me as I live by your example.


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