
>> Saturday, April 19, 2008

First and foremost, Praise the Lord in Heaven - I passed the PLT! Additionally, I have received my Pennsylvania teaching certification. It's all a bit surreal..for those of you keeping track, I took TWO wrong tests before taking the right one...so this has been a while in the making!
So next comes mailing off packets and updating my online file. Thank you so much for your prayers while the job search continues.The school year is winding down and each year at this time I begin to reflect on how special my students are. Tomorrow, I will go to mass to see one receive her first communion. Having been confirmed five years ago, the experience is still pretty fresh in my mind. As an adult, I know that I processed things more logically than Abigail probably is this weekend, but I'm still excited to see her drink that "nasty wine" for the first time! On Thursday the kids and I went on a field trip. I've posted two of my favorite pics. One is of the alligator we saw in the swamp. The reflection of the girls in the front row is priceless! The other is a group shot. I love the diversity of my group this year!


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