
>> Sunday, December 14, 2008

So, the fact that I even have an entry titled "recipes" makes me chuckle a bit. Never one to spend much time being productive in the kitchen, I've gotten a little brave as of late and have made some pretty good attempts at some tasty delights. Here are a few:
Peppermint Bark
Melt 18oz. white chocolate.
Break apart candy canes into bits no bigger than 1/4 in.
mix that junk up in a bowl.
Add a splash of peppermint extract.
Pour over some parchment paper and chill for about 45 minutes.
Break that mess apart and eat it up.
Lazy Pierogie Casserole
Put yourself 5 lasagna noodles (al dente) in the bottom of a glass 9x13ish dish.
Mix up an egg, 2 c. of cottage cheese and a dash of onion salt.
Plop that mixture right on top of those noodles.
Put yourself another layer of lasagna noodles on top of that.
Then put 2 c. of mashed potatoes with about a cup of cheddar cheese mixed in.
Put yet one more layer of lasagna noodles and then melt a c. of butter and mix that up with a c. of diced onions...dribble that deliciousness on the top of your casserole.
Pop it in the oven for 30 minutes at 350.
Porkchops a la Orange (or whatever)
Sear 4 boneless porkchops with a bit of salt and pepper.
Generously sprinkle some cinnamon on those bad boys.
Dump a can of mandarin oranges (with juices) on top.
Cover and let simmer for about 30 minutes.
Serve over egg noodles.
If you've got recipes, send 'em my way!


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