Sometimes He Comes in the Clouds

>> Thursday, July 17, 2008

I spent the first part of July driving around Western Pennsylvania, enjoying quiet moments (and rowdy moments) with old friends in Pittsburgh, and cherishing time with my parents at the lake house. If you've read my blog at all, you know that my theme for living is to be light. For my students, my friends, my family, random people I meet on the street. In my continued study of David, a warrior king who wanted nothing more than to go where God lead him, I've learned that my heart requires constant alteration in order that I may be light to those in need. I was in the car by myself for about 30 hours over the course of ten days. While I sang along with Jeff Johnson and David Crowder most of the way, there were times when I drove quietly...looking, listening.
The last year has been very interesting because it has led to me to completely different place than where I used to be, even though I haven't moved anywhere. I thought for sure that I would be spending this school year in cooler temperatures, surrounded by faithful friends with whom I have a great history - finishing each other's sentences, sharing the details of the Faith Walk, and working in the middle of the inner-city, which I felt called to do when I was 14. I prayed for this move more than I've prayed for anything in my adult life. At the tail-end of the each prayer, I mumbled "...if this is Your will, lead me down your righteous path." And yet here I am. And amazingly enough, I realize that with my Rock leading me, I am on His path. Though I don't know what is around the next bend and I am uncertain of what the final destination is, I am enjoying the walk with my Lord.

I really love summer thunderstorms. In Charleston, you can actually smell them coming before they get here! The thunder, the torrential rain, the sometimes power-killing lightning never lasts long and it's always hotter and muggier after the crash and boom than it was to start. But the constant reminder that weather, life, our circumstances, can turn on a dime and that there is a Consistent One who has my best interests at heart makes me ready and willing to accept His grace.

My God is Mighty to Save. May I never measure an obstacle against my own strength, but against Yours.


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