A Really Good News Week

>> Monday, January 19, 2009

I am an absolute news junkie. Well, I should clarify. I am a national-world news junkie. I can't stand watching or reading the local news (not sure if it's the lack of relevancy or the bitter attitudes toward public education).
But I love national-world news. And some days, it's really crappy. The fighting in Gaza. That wanker investor who lost everyone's money. The nutjob who faked his own death because he wanted to avoid prosecution. The idiot Anthony's who literally stole a little girl's life away and display zero remorse whatsoever.
I'm not sure why I watch that stuff. None of it really makes me feel good about anything. But occasionally...just every once in a while...there's a good news week. And for that reason, I am most thankful for CNN and the fact that I get to watch it on my basic cable!
This whole plane crashing into the Hudson River on Wednedsay. I was actually sitting in a bar trying to warm up with a Winter Lager when the broadcaster cut in with the news. How amazing that those folks trusted one another enough to stand out on the sides of a friggin' airplane. How amazing that the pilot stayed calm enough to land the plane in the water in the first place. How amazing that all of those ferries were in the water to get everyone off the plane. How amazing that people recall hearing prayers all over the airplane.
And then there's my man, Barack. I have thought really highly of this man since he was elected to the Senate however many years ago. I'm drawn to folks who inspire. Who say what they're thinking. Who love their families. And now that Obama is moving into the White House, I feel really hopeful. Not the hope that I find in my salvation or in my family or in my faith...but hope that means that our country is going to be ok. That we'll be able to claw ourselves out of the rut we're in.
Finally...as if I need to even include this, Sunday night at approximately 10:30 was perhaps one of the happiest moments of my life. Not because I'd just watched the Steelers beat the feathers off the Ravens, or because Polamalu got a big play, or because Big Ben threw the ball to the boys in Black and Gold more than to the other team...but because of what number 7 said when he was asked what it felt like to be going to another Superbowl, "The Lord is good." Yeah, He is! And how amazing that minutes after winning a huge game, the first thing the team captain says is such a wonderful, perfect fact! I missed the press conference Mike Tomlin gave later, but he spoke to the media about how "iron sharpens iron."
So, I'm a news junkie. And everyday, past the corrupt politicians and stock brokers, past the ignorance, the bitterness, the hate...

...There He Is...

Landing a plane in the middle of a river.
Offering guidance to world leaders.
Remaining in the forefront of a team captain's mind.

Forgive me, Lord, for the moments that I don't see You because I'm not looking. I praise You for being ever near. Ever moving. Ever loving. Ever teaching.


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