For My NonFacebook Friends - HOLLA!!!

>> Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So, there's this thing going around facebook where you post 25 random things about yourself. I normally do not participate in such fodder, but this was fun. And it makes me sound a lot more (or less) interesting than I actually am!
1. I have only one t-shirt that I can sleep in comfortably. I have had it since high school. It's a Reebok Steelers shirt with about 10 holes in it. Any other shirt I wear gets all wrapped around me in the middle of the night and I wake up very frustrated. Not so with my Steelers tee.
2. I really like being rubbed. Not in a pervy way. I like having my feet rubbed, and my head rubbed, and my back rubbed. My mom used to trace around the features of my face to help me relax at night. I always liked that.
3. Numerous people have told me that I should have been a comedienne. I hope that it's more a reflection of my quick wit and sarcasm as opposed to any crappy teaching methods.
4. I love the word "toot." I think it's hilarious. I hate the word "fart." It's crass.
5. I occasionally still sleep with my blankie. It's not my original blankie, though because it was lost long ago (I'm pretty sure my baby-sitter stole it). My blankie was made by my mother's mother and as a result of much loving, it has holes so big that I can actually pull it over my head. Which I do every once in a while.
6. I am the youngest of 6 children. Three boys and three girls. And I am the only white girl.
7. I think that the number sequence for my birthday is the most beautiful number sequence ever...3-8-82. See? Isn't it pretty?
8. I had a dog named Stud for almost 15 years. He died in my arms almost three years ago and it was the saddest day of my life. I promised myself I'd never love another dog like I loved him. A week later, I got Weezie. She weighs 67.2 pounds and likes to sleep in my lap. I love her.
9. I love the Pittsbugh Pirates. I don't care what anyone says.
10. A little part of me wishes I had stuck with career path numero uno: midwifery.
11. I think that kids with ADD are the funniest creatures on the planet. I plan on writing down the random things I've heard in my five years of teaching. I will publish said book, make lots oooh look! A chicken...
12. I have ADD. I am not medicated.
13. The most fun I've ever had at 1:30am was when Saint Jo and I participated in a wii bowling competition.
14. I am really proud of my parents and of who they are in our family and society.
15. I have a "nonteacher teacher bag" (that's actually how we refer to it in my family) because in graduate school I was really into teacher identity and didn't want to have an LL Bean canvas teacher bag like all of the other teachers I know. I love my leather messenger nonteacher teacher bag.
16. The first thing I think of every morning is Pittsburgh.
17. Ok, technically, I think of Pittsburgh second. Because first I think about how much I hate the sound of my alarm clock.
18. One of my favorite sounds is a chorus of children's voices.
19. Kevan and I sometimes get into terrible fits of laughter when neither of us can catch our breaths. Those are good times and normally take place in church or the grocery store.
20. My first kiss was in the fifth grade. I have not been kissed for four years.
21. I have a dangerous addiction to Coca Cola. For this reason, it is no longer permitted in the refrigerator. I once drank a 12 pack of Coke in less than 24 hours.
22. When I sneeze, I wet my pants just a little bit.
23. I once sneezed 47 times in a row. Had to change my pants.
24. My first childhood memory is of my dad guiding me into Karen's hospital room right after her drowning accident. He made me tell her hello before he would buy me a Snickers bar. Incidentally, my sister is my best bud and we "talk" on the phone almost every day. I hate Snickers bars.
25. I firmly believe that whoever discovered "fleece" is a freaking genius!


Anonymous January 28, 2009 at 9:45 PM  

You ROCK, Kortney!!! How can I pickle one as my fav? I didn't know you were interested in midwifery though...

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