My Mind is All Twisted Like a Pretzel...I Got a Pretzel in My Head!

>> Thursday, January 29, 2009

One of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies.

But pretty indicative of how I'm feeling right now. And since I've had trouble going to sleep for the past few nights because of my pretzelly thoughts, perhaps some blogging will help me straighten it all out. Or get it out of my system at least.
Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a bubble? Only you're not alone in the bubble? Maybe your whole life is in the bubble with you: work, home, chores, colleagues, grocery stores, the gum on the bottom of your shoe. I'm stuck in a bubble with my own life.
And I'm blessed. I know that I am. And I am so thankful for what God has given me and shown me and what He teaches me.
But I am so sick of being in this bubble. Because where I feel safe, secure, not where I am.
I am LITERALLY in the exact same place I was a year ago. I am sitting in the same spot with the same laptop. Tonight, I've been working on the same Boards. I'm doing the yearbook. Same. And I am pining for a place where I am not.
A big part of me feels so selfish about all of this. Who am I to complain or doubt or not have complete faith in the One who has put me where He has put me? And I want so desperately to be elsewhere?
Father, let me view where I am not as a bubble or a rut, but as the place that You have me for such a time as this. And if it is Your will, open the doors...pop the bubble...
that I might find someplace new.


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